Trusted Software Supply Chain

Trust is at the center of a Trusted Software Supply Chain (TSSC). Powered by Red Hat, a TSSC incorporates trusted third-party tools and prescriptive workflows to deliver confidence in code deployment and benefit from rapid development, security by default and operational excellence. Get this solution brief for a look at how operations teams can understand and trust TSSC, even as needs evolve.

Trusted Software Supply Chain published by Estralifericus

Estralifericus es una empresa especializada en el rubro informático, se dedica a ofrecer licenciamiento y venta de software y servicios en la nube, además contamos con hardware TI, accesorios informáticos, dispositivos de computación, servidores de almacenamiento, redes e impresión, equipamiento para redes de retorno (Point to Point - Backhaul). Email: