Solutions to enhance the digital transformation thread

This video highlights the innovative software companies Lenovo has partnered with to provide schools with the technology to create better student outcomes—including Exploros, Absolute, Book Creator, WeVideo, and SentinelOne. Thanks to these partnerships, schools can enhance and protect their digital learning environment—and as a result drive increased student engagement, better learning experiences, and greater device and data security. For more information about Lenovo solutions for education, please contact Estralifericus.

Solutions to enhance the digital transformation thread published by Estralifericus

Estralifericus es una empresa especializada en el rubro informático, se dedica a ofrecer licenciamiento y venta de software y servicios en la nube, además contamos con hardware TI, accesorios informáticos, dispositivos de computación, servidores de almacenamiento, redes e impresión, equipamiento para redes de retorno (Point to Point - Backhaul). Email: